The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Sep 2023

Work Visa Transfer Hong Kong | A Multi-Media D-I-Y Guide | 100% Free

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Musing /

The Ultimate D-I-Y Guide to Transferring Your Work Visa in Hong Kong Work Visa Transfer Hong Kong | What You and Your Family Need to Know | All-In-One-Place Work visa transfer Hong Kong? While our General Employment Policy (GEP) is designed to attract skilled foreign talent, the process of transferring an existing work visa to […]

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Sep 2023

ASMTP Visa For Chinese Professionals | A Comprehensive D-I-Y Guide | Applying Without Any Professional Help

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Infographic /

The D-I-Y Guide to ASMTP Visa Applications and Family Dependant Visas For Hong Kong Navigating the complexities of Hong Kong’s immigration system can be a daunting task, especially when you’re applying under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) and planning to bring your family along. ASMTP Visa In A Nutshell Employment visas […]

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Sep 2023

Hong Kong Work Visa Process | Changing Employers | Navigating Your Way | The D-I-Y Guide

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Infographic /

Navigating the Hong Kong Work Visa Process: A Comprehensive Guide to Changing Employers Changing employers while holding a Hong Kong work visa can be a complex process – until now … Hong Kong Work Visa Sherpa Hong Kong work visa? Changing jobs? With numerous forms to fill out, documents to prepare, and legalities to consider, […]

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Aug 2023

Hong Kong Immigration Law | Corporate Visas | Individual Visas | The D-I-Y Guide

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing /

The Definitive Guide To Hong Kong Immigration Law For D-I-Y Corporate & Personal Visa Applications 4  x 100% Free Websites To Cover All Business  & Accompanying Family Hong Kong Immigration Law Scenarios Hong Kong Visa Geeza Hong Kong immigration law? Stephen Barnes, also known as “Hong Kong Visa Geeza,” is a highly respected Hong Kong […]

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Aug 2023

Work Visa Hong Kong | Overstay | Your Step-by-Step Guide to Addressing the Problem

Posted in Employment Visas /

Have You Accidently Overstayed Your Work Visa Hong Kong Recently? Here’s what to do to solve the problem in a hurry … hint don’t delay  QUESTION I overstayed my work visa Hong Kong. Help! I terminated my employment in Hong Kong at the beginning of June. After searching for work, I eventually found a job […]

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Aug 2023

Understanding Hong Kong Permanent Residency | Eligibility After Your Work Visa Expires

Posted in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered /

Hong Kong Permanent Residency Eligibility After Your Work Visa Expires – Can You Still Qualify? Maybe, Possibly, Could Be – In Any Event, Better Get Your Skates On QUESTION I have been working in HK since 2019 on a working visa, which expired in early August 2023, a couple of weeks ago. I am no […]

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Aug 2023

Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application Guide | What You Need To Know | At-A-Glance | In A Nutshell

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing /

The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Grab & Go Guide What you need to know in a nutshell and all in one place The Entrepreneur Visa Application Guide This Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application Guide in a nutshell provides all your need to know about Hong Kong’s specific visa initiative for international business founders looking to […]

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