Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Apr 2023

Blended, Unmarried, Non-Traditional Family With School-Age Kids – What Hong Kong Visa Choices Exist?

Posted in Family Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

First Published April 25, 2012 – Updated April 18, 2023 Hong Kong Visa Choices? As I work my way through the preparations for the launch of VisaGeeza.Ai, I am taking the opportunity to give a fresh lick of paint to advice that I gave in years past which is still very much relevant today. Modern […]

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Apr 2023

Why Applying for a Hong Kong Foreign Domestic Helper Visa for Your Girlfriend is Not a Good Idea

Posted in Family Visas, Hadley Says…, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Foreign domestic helper visa for your Girlfriend? Another ‘oldie but a goodie’ post from nigh on 11 years ago. Just goes to show that some things simply don’t change when many do when it comes to Hong Kong immigration! All of this content is being brought bang up to date for inclusion in VisaGeeza.Ai which […]

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Apr 2023

Getting a Working Visa for Hong Kong is a Simple Matter of Filling in the Forms, Right?

Posted in Employment Visas, Hadley Says…, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I am in the process of updating a whole raft of content in anticipation of the launch of VisaGeeza.ai later this month and am coming across a lot of  ‘oldies but goodies’. Here’s one! Getting a Working Visa for Hong Kong is a Simple Matter of Filling in the Forms, Right? With the relatively large […]

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Apr 2023

The Foibles of Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Applications That Only Experience Can Fully Appreciate

Posted in 60 Second Snapshot, Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

Foibles of Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Applications First Published April 29, 2013 – Updated April 3, 2023 (10 years on – somethings never change ….) Hong Kong immigration & visa applications: both the Hong Kong Visa Handbook and the accompanying updates posted daily on the Hong Kong Visa Geeza Blog along with the DIY […]

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Mar 2023

20 – How to Apply For a Hong Kong Investment Visa Without Any Professional Help – Application Plan

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Updated March 23, 2023  Get the 100% Free Application Roadmap Here Today – Still Highly Relevant & Useful! On January 17, 2013 I gave a talk at Centre O in Wanchai on how to go about applying for a Hong Kong business investment visa without the need to pay for any professional help. 10 years have gone by and […]

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Mar 2023

You’ve Lost Your Job: Can You Get an Interim Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension While You Continue Looking for a New Employer?

Posted in Employment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

First Published November 17, 2014 – Advice Still Valid Today You’ve lost your job and your limit of stay is coming up for expiry. Any chance the Immigration Department will grant you an interim Hong Kong employment visa extension in these circumstances? QUESTION I am an Australian  national living in Hong Kong under an employment visa since […]


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Mar 2023

As a Visitor Living in Hong Kong Do You Need to Get An Investment Visa if You Freelance Here But All Your Income is Sourced Overseas?

Posted in Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered /

First Published October 2, 2019 – Advice Still Valid Today What is the law about visitors working in Hong Kong as freelancers but not engaging in the local economy? Whilst this question was first asked 4 years ago, I have received three very similar quiestions in the last week so nows the time to republish […]


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