Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Sep 2023

Hong Kong QMAS | Is There Such a Thing as an ‘Occupations in Demand’ List | 2023

Posted in Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Hong Kong QMAS –  Is There Such a Thing as an ‘Occupations in Demand’ List In 2023? All Hail The Talent List … The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme is very often compared with other immigration programmes in the quality of life jurisdictions such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA and the UK. Recently, the HKSAR […]


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Sep 2023

2023 | Quality Migrant Admission Scheme | What ARE Your Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa?

Posted in Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

What Are The Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa In 2023? Demystifying the ‘Black Box’ of Hong Kong’s Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide Backgrounder What are the chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa? Hong Kong has always been an attractive destination for skilled professionals. However, the Quality Migrant […]

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Sep 2023

Applying For A Hong Kong Investment Visa | Company Incorporation | Business Support | Zzzzip.com

Posted in Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Zzzzip.com | Your Gateway To Business Success In Hong Kong | Comprehensive Support | Hong Kong Investment Visa (And Much More …) One-Stop Professional Help In Support Of Your Hong Kong Investment Visa Application From Will Probert & His Team Of Experts Background Hong Kong is a bustling hub of commerce, technology, and innovation. For […]

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Sep 2023

Work Visa Transfer Hong Kong | A Multi-Media D-I-Y Guide | 100% Free

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Musing /

The Ultimate D-I-Y Guide to Transferring Your Work Visa in Hong Kong

Work Visa Transfer Hong Kong | What You and Your Family Need to Know | All-In-One-Place

Work visa transfer Hong Kong? While our General Employment Policy (GEP) is designed to attract skilled foreign talent, the process of transferring an existing work visa to a new employer is often complex and nuanced.

This comprehensive D-I-Y guide aims to demystify the work visa transfer process in Hong Kong, with a special focus on the implications for family members holding dependent visas.

Key Criteria for Work Visa Transfer

Educational and Professional Background

One of the first steps in a work visa transfer Hong Kong is ensuring you meet the initial criteria. This usually involves having a solid educational background, typically a bachelor’s degree, along with at least two years of post-graduation experience in a managerial or supervisory role. However, the Hong Kong Immigration Department may also consider technical qualifications and extensive relevant work experience as a substitute for formal education.

Good Character

Maintaining a clean record is crucial when transferring your employment visa. You must be of good character, meaning no security objections or serious criminal records should be present.

Compensation Package

Your new employment offer should meet or exceed market standards. The compensation package must be on par with or better than your previous role to ensure fairness and compliance with local employment laws.

Employer’s Role

Your new employer plays a significant role in the transfer process. They must be a suitable and credible sponsor, meaning they should be well-established and have a history of employing Hong Kong locals.

Local Recruitment Efforts

The new employer must also demonstrate local recruitment efforts for the role you are taking unless your salary exceeds HKD 2 million per annum or your role is on the Talent List published by the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

The Transfer Process


The paperwork involved in a visa transfer is similar to that of a new application. However, if your new employer has had an employment visa approved within the last 24 months, the documentation needed is significantly reduced. This can expedite the process and reduce the administrative burden on both parties.

Processing Time

The transfer process typically takes between four to six weeks. It’s crucial not to commence your new role until the transfer has been officially approved. Starting your new job before approval could jeopardize both your status and that of your dependent family members.

Communication with ImmD

The Immigration Department may communicate via various channels, including email, fax, or snail mail, and may request additional information. You are generally expected to respond within 14 days, although flexibility can be provided.

Approval Formalities

Once the work visa transfer Hong Kong is approved, you will be notified and invited to complete the approval formalities. These may vary depending on how you submitted your application but usually involve the issue of a new QR code approval letter (if an extension of stay has been granted at the same time) or a simple letter confirming your approval and the present date of your work visa expiry (usually more than 12 months hence). Occasionally an in-person visit to the Immigration Department is called for.

Implications for Family

One of the most pressing concerns for many professionals is how the work visa transfer Hong Kong process will affect their family members who are holding dependent visas. The good news is that while your change of employer application is ongoing, there is no change in the dependent visa permissions of your accompanying family. However, you will need to inform the Immigration Department about the change in your employment status as it could have implications for the renewal of dependent visas.

Renewal of Dependent Visas

Typically, dependent visas are linked to the employment status of the principal visa holder. Therefore, any change in the employment status, like a job transfer, does not invoke a re-evaluation of the dependent visas. If the main work visa holder gets an extension at the time of the approval, the accompanying family dependant visas are extended too. Best to include the family extension of stay applications together with the main application work visa transfer application if the family visas have less than 90 days remaining

The Twilight Zone

If your current limit of stay is set to expire while your transfer application is being processed, you may find yourself in the “Twilight Zone.” This is a period where your existing visa has expired, but you are allowed to remain in Hong Kong while waiting for the new visa approval. During this period, your family members on dependent visas are also allowed to stay in Hong Kong but technically are not permitted to engage in work or education activities until their, like the main applicant’s, visa and extension of stay is approved. Rarely do ImmD prosecute for breach of conditions of stay in these circumstances but technically all bets are off until the new limits of stay are approved.

Last Words …

Transferring an employment visa in Hong Kong is a detailed and often complex process that requires careful planning, timely communication, and strict adherence to Immigration Department guidelines. The process becomes even more intricate when family members on dependent visas are involved. However, you can navigate these complexities more effectively by understanding the nuances and requirements of the visa transfer process.

For more information, you can consult Hong Kong Visa Sherpa which offers a comprehensive D-I-Y guide on the visa Hong Kong work visa transfer process.

By being well-informed and prepared, you can make your employment visa transfer in Hong Kong a seamless experience, allowing you to continue your professional journey in this dynamic city while ensuring that your family’s stay remains uninterrupted.

Your At-A-Glance-Guide

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Sep 2023

Redundancy | Expiring Hong Kong Employment Visa | Process Pitfalls | How To Manage

Posted in Employment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

What To Do If You’ve Lost Your Job And Have An Expiring Hong Kong Employment Visa? Do You Have To Leave? What About Your Eligibility For PR?   Introduction Experiencing an expiring Hong Kong employment visa after being made redundant can be a stressful situation. Hong Kong’s visa and immigration processes can range from being […]

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Sep 2023

ASMTP Visa For Chinese Professionals | A Comprehensive D-I-Y Guide | Applying Without Any Professional Help

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Infographic /

The D-I-Y Guide to ASMTP Visa Applications and Family Dependant Visas For Hong Kong

Navigating the complexities of Hong Kong’s immigration system can be a daunting task, especially when you’re applying under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) and planning to bring your family along.

ASMTP Visa In A Nutshell

Employment visas in Hong Kong under the ASMTP scheme are designed for Chinese national professionals and talents. Successful applicants can bring their legal spouse and children under the age of 18 as dependents. The ASMTP visa has specific eligibility criteria that both the applicant and the employing company must meet.

Eligibility Criteria for ASMTP Visa

To be eligible for an ASMTP visa, the applicant must:

– Have a good educational background, typically a bachelor’s degree.
– Have at least two years of post-graduation work experience in a managerial or supervisory role.
– Possess special skills, knowledge, or experience valued in Hong Kong.
– Be of good character.
– Receive a compensation package commensurate with market rates.

Employer Requirements

The employing company must:

– Be well-established with a proper office setup.
– Employ Hong Kong locals.
– Be deemed a suitable and credible ASMTP visa sponsor by the Immigration Department.

The 5-Step Process

The Hong Kong Visa Sherpa website outlines a five-step process for the ASMTP application with family:

1. Assessing Your Application

Evaluate your eligibility and gather the necessary documents.

2. Preparing Your Application

Collect all required documents and fill out forms.

3. Submitting Your Application

Submit your application to the Immigration Department.

4. Managing Your Application

Track the status and respond to ImmD queries.

5. Approval Formalities

Complete formalities once approved.

Atypical Scenarios

The Visa Sherpa website discusses various unique situations you might face:

– **Criminal Record**: Will a criminal record impact your application?

– **No Degree**: Can you get a Hong Kong work visa without a degree?

– **Visa Denial**: Why do visa applications get denied?

Application Checklist and Useful Templates

Visa Sherpa provides a checklist of documents and forms needed for the application process, such as:

Declaration Letter from Sponsor
Employment Reference from Previous Employer
– Various forms like ID91 and ID990B
Bye Bye letter
Employment Contract
Letters of Authorization

Important Resources

The Hong Kong Visa Sherpa also provides additional resources like expert guides and answers to your questions,

The Approvability Test

To ensure a successful application, the applicant must satisfy the Approvability Test. This involves demonstrating that they possess special skills, knowledge, or experience of value to Hong Kong and that their employer can justify engaging the services of an expatriate Chinese staff member.

Categories of ASMTP Applications

Applications generally fall into three categories:

1. **Intra-company transferees**: Administrative in nature, with minimal need for substantive argument.

2. **Locally recruited Chinese expats**: Mainly administrative but requires thorough argumentation if the applicant has only recently had an ASMTP visa approved.

3. **Non-local Chinese talents recruited from China**: Requires meticulous preparation and presentation.

Articulating the Argument

When articulating the argument, the applicant must address several key points, such as their educational background, the genuine job vacancy, the confirmed offer of employment, and the relevance of the job to their qualifications or working experience.

Submission and Processing

The application can be submitted to the Immigration Department HQ either online or in person. Processing time usually takes 4-6 weeks but can be longer in more complex cases. The Immigration Department may raise questions and request further information, which should be submitted within 14 days.

Dependent Visas

Visas for dependents will be issued at the same time as the ASMTP visa, as long as the marriage or civil partnership is certified and the children are the biological or adopted offspring of at least one of the parents. Dependent visa holders are permitted to work, establish or join a business, or study without requiring further permissions from the Immigration Department.

ASMTP Checklists & Videos

Making An ASMTP Application

Checklist For An ASMTP Application 

ASMTP Application With Family Overview

 Your At-A-Glance GuideASMTP Visa

Last Words …

Obtaining an ASMTP visa in Hong Kong requires meeting specific criteria and presenting a strong case argument that demonstrates the applicant’s value and the need for their unique skills in Hong Kong. By carefully considering the applicant’s individual circumstances, the job offer context, and the proposed employer’s business needs, the applicant can maximize their chances of a successful application. Dependant visas for qualifying accompanying family members are issued as a matter of course.


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Sep 2023

Hong Kong Work Visa Process | Changing Employers | Navigating Your Way | The D-I-Y Guide

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Navigating the Hong Kong Work Visa Process: A Comprehensive Guide to Changing Employers

Changing employers while holding a Hong Kong work visa can be a complex process – until now …

Hong Kong Work Visa Sherpa

Hong Kong work visa? Changing jobs?

With numerous forms to fill out, documents to prepare, and legalities to consider, the procedure can be daunting.

In this post, we aim to simplify the process by offering a comprehensive guide based on the information available on our Hong Kong Visa Sherpa website section: Hong Kong Work Visa Assessing Your Application.

The 5-Step Process

Here, we outline a five-step process for changing your employer in Hong Kong. These steps are:

1. Assessing Your Application

Before you begin, it’s crucial to assess your eligibility and gather all the necessary documents.

2. Preparing Your Application

This involves collecting all the required documents, filling out forms, and ensuring everything is in order.

3. Submitting Your Application

Once prepared, the next step is to submit your application to the Immigration Department.

4. Managing Your Application

This involves tracking the status of your application and responding to any queries from the Immigration Department.

5. Approval Formalities

Once approved, there are certain formalities to complete to finalize the change of employer.

Atypical Scenarios

Changing employers is not always straightforward. The website discusses various unique situations you might face:

Salary Reduction

What happens if you’re changing to a job with a significantly lower salary?

Changing Sponsorship Secretly

How can you change your sponsorship without your current employer finding out?

Visa Overstay

What are the implications if you’ve accidentally overstayed your visa?

Application Checklist

The website provides a checklist of documents.

Forms Needed

Resources needed for the application process include:

Declaration Letter from Sponsor
Employment Reference from Previous Employers
– Various forms like ID91 and ID990B
Bye Bye letter

Useful Templates

To make the application process easier, the website offers templates for various documents, such as:

Employment Contract
Letters of Authorization

Important Resources

The Hong Kong Visa Sherpa also provides additional resources like expert guides and answers to your questions,

Your At-A-Glance-Guide

hong kong work visa

Last Words

Changing employers while holding a Hong Kong employment visa can be a complex process, but with the right resources and preparation, it can be made simpler. The Hong Kong Visa Sherpa website is perfect for this purpose.


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VisaGeeza.Ai – 13 Years In The Making

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