Business Investment Visa

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics


How To Start A Business In Hong Kong As A Foreigner – The Startup Visa

July 25th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I recently gave a talk at Campfire Collaborative Space on the topic of how to start a business in Hong Kong as a foreigner, which in essence is the journey of getting a Business Investment Visa as an Entrepreneur after the implementation of the Enhancement Measures in 2015 and the Audit Commission Report Number 66 from 2016. […]

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How To Start A Business In Hong Kong As A Foreigner – Must Have Resources

July 16th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I recently gave a talk at Campfire Collaborative Space on the topic of how to start a business in Hong Kong as a foreigner, which in essence is the journey of getting a Business Investment Visa as an Entrepreneur after the implementation of the Enhancement Measures in 2015 and the Audit Commission Report Number 66 from 2016. […]

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How To Start A Business In Hong Kong As A Foreigner – How We Got Here

June 29th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I recently gave a talk at Campfire Collaborative Space on the topic of how to start a business in Hong Kong as a foreigner, which in essence is the journey of getting a Business Investment Visa as an Entrepreneur after the implementation of the Enhancement Measures in 2015 and the Audit Commission Report Number 66 from 2016. […]

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How To Start A Business In Hong Kong As A Foreigner – Introduction

June 23rd, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I recently gave a talk at Campfire Collaborative Space on the topic of how to start a business in Hong Kong as a foreigner, which in essence is the journey of getting a Business Investment Visa as an Entrepreneur after the implementation of the Enhancement Measures in 2015 and the Audit Commission Report Number 66 from 2016. […]

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Your Questions Answered

How Can I Extend My Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Easily Without Needing To Supply My Financial Performance Details Every Year?

April 19th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Since the Audit Commission Report Number 66 published in April of 2016, Hong Kong entrepreneur visa holders subject to a review of their business each time they seek to extend their stay, have got more of the same coming…   QUESTION Hi there, It’s time for my Hong Kong entrepreneur visa renewal and I’m confused […]

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Your Questions Answered

Can I Do Business in Hong Kong Yet Live in Shenzhen to Save Costs & Commute Across the Boundary Each Day to Do My Business?

April 5th, 2018

Posted in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered /

Living in Hong Kong ain’t cheap, that’s for sure… QUESTION I’m an Australian and British citizen currently living in Australia and I want to found..


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Your Questions Answered

The Challenge of Visa Approvability for Freelance Writers & Reporters in Hong Kong

March 29th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Freelancers in Hong Kong are often faced with a round-pegs-in-square-holes visa situation that is not easily resolved. This post attempts to deal with the challenge of visa approvability for these people and shed some light on what is actually do-able from an immigration perspective. QUESTION I am currently a full-time reporter in Hong Kong, I […]


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10 Steps to a Successful Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application – Step 10 – D-I-Y Application

March 20th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

On April 21, 2017 I gave a talk at WYND Co-working space in Lan Kwai Fong entitled 10 Steps to a Successful Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application. This segment is Step 10 – D-I-Y Application The Rest of the Series Introduction How We Got Here Must Have Resources The Startup Visa Step 1 – Understand […]

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Your Questions Answered

Do You Need to Leave Hong Kong to ‘Activate’ Your Recently Secured Employment Visa Extension?

February 1st, 2018

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

The answer to this question seemed so obvious to me before, but now it has been asked, I realize it’s not immediately obvious to everyone, so I’m grateful for the opportunity to address it now… QUESTION I have just recently had my employment visa successfully extended.  For 2 years.  My passport has been updated with […]


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