Long Stay & PR

Right Of Abode After Seven Years

Your Questions Answered

7 Years Residence in Hong Kong Under the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme – What Permanent Residency Options Exist?

June 27th, 2018

Posted in Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme  was a god send for reasonably well off people who have always fancied the idea of residence in Hong Kong but who were reluctant to start an operating business to be able to accomplish this. The following question raises the issue of how to disentangle yourself from the visa, releasing […]


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Your Questions Answered

Losing Your Right of Abode in Hong Kong & Then Using eChannels

June 7th, 2018

Posted in Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

QUESTION “Can I ask a simple question – do you know of anyone (not Chinese) who has actually lost the right of abode after 36 months absence? I do know the theory and the provisions in the Ordinance but how about in practice? I ask because my (Australian) daughter may have lost hers after 38 […]


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How to Apply for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong (American Club Talk) – Part 1 of 7 – The Make Up of My Presentation

May 20th, 2018

Posted in Long Stay & PR, Musing, Resource, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

First Published on June 10, 2014 On May 29, 2014 The Henley Group sponsored a talk on How to Apply for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong at the American Club. Spaces were limited and it booked out pretty quickly. Nevertheless, we recorded the whole presentation and are pleased to produce it here in […]

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Your Questions Answered

If You Stay in Hong Kong for 7 Years as a De-facto Spouse Holding a Prolonged Visitor Visa Will You Qualify for Permanent Residency?

April 26th, 2018

Posted in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Short and sweet question today, but an important answer so worthy of a PodCast answer (I get loads of questions each day and I answer all of those capable of an answer (many are not – eg “I want to work in HK can you get me a job and help with the visa”?) . […]


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Your Questions Answered

I Am Married to a PRC National and a Permanent Resident Here So How Can We Live Together in Hong Kong?

April 9th, 2018

Posted in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

What impact does being a Hong Kong permanent resident have on being married to a PRC national presently resident on the Mainland? My friend is a British Passport Holder who is a Permanent Resident in Hong Kong for over 20 years He married a mainland Chinese girl in Hong Kong and they now have a […]


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Paying for Visa Help? The Who’s-Who of the Hong Kong Immigration Services Industry

March 15th, 2018

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Infographic, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

First Published September 17, 2017 Hong Kong immigration services? After almost 20 years of providing immigration advice and assistance in Hong Kong, I am in the uniquely fortunate position to really understand how the market works – and the choices that clients have when looking for professional assistance. My time working at the highest levels […]

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