Feature Articles

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Feb 2024

Hong Kong Top Talent Pass | 51,000 Approvals | 36,000 Arrivals | 160,000 Applications

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Hong Kong Top Talent Pass Attracting 36,000 Skilled Professionals to Hong Kong   Accurate Numbers Surface In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced a notable increase in skilled individuals migrating to the region. This influx can be primarily attributed to the Hong Kong Top Talent Pass program, which aims to attract the best talent from […]

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Jan 2024

Hong Kong Employment Visa | A Comprehensive Guide | Updated | November 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

All You Need to Know | Business Immigration In Hong Kong | Updated Q3 2023 | Part 7/24 A Non-Resident Applying For A Hong Kong Employment Visa? Part 6/24 | Explore Business Immigration In Hong Kong With Our In-Depth Guide | Here A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining a Hong Kong EmploymentVisa Are you a non-resident looking […]

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Jan 2024

Can I Extend The 3 Years Needed To Keep My Right of Abode In Hong Kong?

Posted in Feature Article, Long Stay & PR, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Can I Extend The 3 Years Needed To Keep My Right of Abode In Hong Kong? Will ImmD Make An Exception For Me?   Can I extend the 3 years needed to keep my Right of Abode in Hong Kong? I originally published this video in January 2022, when we were very much ‘peak Covid’ […]

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Dec 2023

I Have A PRC National Spouse Resident On the Mainland | Can She Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong?

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

Can A PRC National Spouse Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong? Can they qualify, if so, how? The question of immigration status for mainland resident spouses of current or aspiring Hong Kong residents is a bit of a hot potato. As this PodCast answer below  sets out, there is a dual track system in […]


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Dec 2023

Hong Kong Visa Geeza | The Lost Decade 2000-2010 | OpenAi 2023 Update

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Hong Kong Visa Geeza & How I F#ckedUp Video and openAi update on the back story of the Hong Kong Visa Geeza. On March 2, 2017 I was asked by Campfire in Kennedy Town to contribute to their F#CKUP NIGHT series and invited to share my tale of business woe and commercial misfortunes which befell […]

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Dec 2023

4 Realistically Achievable Visas | Live | Work | Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Study-then-Work Visa

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Study-then-Work Visa | A Little-Known Approach The Immigration Arrangements For Non-Local Graduates Could Be A Realistic Option If Your Circumstances Permit … A few years ago, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give a talk about the Hong Kong visas that are the most […]

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Dec 2023

Hong Kong Entrepreneur | Opening A New Restaurant | What Is Mission Critical? | What Visa Do I Need?

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Hong Kong Chef Opening A New Restaurant | What Visa Do I Need | How To Guarantee Approval? You’re presently working in a restaurant – you’ve got an employment visa sponsored by your full-time employer and you have an interest in opening a new restaurant of your own … Immigration Considerations Opening a new restaurant […]

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