The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What’s the Most Popular Type of Content?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this short piece, I set out how the popularity of our content, for effectiveness assessment purposes, is very much a red herring once you are committed down the path of […]

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Dec 2015

Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 10 – The Next Few Years

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

 In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) finishing with … In this last session, part 10, I talk about what Martyn and I have planned for the next few years – including a trick or 2 up […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What Metrics Should You Care About?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. Next up, I explain what really counts in content marketing to know if it’s working or not – show me the money! More on Content Marketing in Hong Kong Setting the […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… How Often Should You Publish?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this piece, I discuss the quality vs frequency conundrum when it comes to publishing your content and the hoary old chestnut of putting stuff out there that no one is […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What Are Buyer Personas?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. Next up, I discuss the notion of buyer personas and how we identified / understood ours to craft our distinct content propositions for both the individual and corporate immigration services markets […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… How Do You Make Money Through Content Marketing?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this short piece, I discuss how making money from content marketing in Hong Kong is not what you might otherwise expect it to be from all the hooplah you hear […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What is Content Marketing?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this short piece, I discuss the practice of content marketing in Hong Kong as Martyn and I have defined and implemented this all the rage buzz word concept for our […]

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