What’s the Minimum Sum Needed In Your Bank Account To Successfully Sponsor A Hong Kong Dependant Visa?
Posted in Family Visas, Feature Article, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /
Got an income but no savings? What impact will this have on your ability to successfully sponsor a Hong Kong dependant visa?
I have a work visa and will apply for my husband to stay by applying for a Hong Kong dependant visa.
Alas I have no savings, is there a minimum amount I should have in the bank?
For an application for a dependent visa, the Immigration Department will call for the last three months bank statements of the sponsor to be able to satisfy themselves that there’s sufficient means on hand to allow successful financial sponsorship for that dependent visa. However, the Immigration Department are principally interested in the income that the sponsor has.
So, if you don’t have any savings, much will turn on the quantum of the money that you receive by way of salary compensation each month. Additionally, the Immigration Department will look quite closely at your tenancy agreement, which will form the basis of the family home and will assess whether or not in light of the amount of rent that you’re paying and the salary that is indicated as being received each month, whether there’s sufficient disposable income to mean that the sponsor is able to suitably sustain the financial wellbeing of the spouse that’s being sponsored in this instance.
So, if you don’t have savings, it’s not an absolutely terrible scenario for you, but it will depend on your income. If you’ve only got a marginal income and say half of your income is going on rent, then the immigration department might look closely at that in relation to sustainability.
On the other hand, if your spouse is a professional and it’s clear that once he’s been able to secure a dependent visa, there’s a reasonable chance that he’ll be able to join the workforce – because he will be lawfully employable on receipt of his dependent visa, then you could make an argument that there is a clear possibility for him to be able to secure additional income for the family and thereby you’d have two working adults in your family and that would be more than sufficient to warrant the approval that you’re looking for. But that is ancillary. It isn’t the main thing the Immigration Department are looking for because there’s no guarantee that such a job might be forthcoming.
In a nutshell, it boils down to income, what the rent is and essentially what you have potentially also as a family, if your husband has got savings, what those amount to; so the Immigration Department will look at everything in the round. I hope you found this useful.
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