Work Visa | The 7 Responsibilities Of A Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsor | What Your Employer Needs To Know
Posted in Employment Visas, Hadley Says…, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
Here Are The 7 Responsibilities Of A Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsor …
Everything The Sponsor Of Your Hong Kong Employment Visa Needs To Know
Responsibilities Of A Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsor
Responsibilities of a Hong Kong employment visa sponsor? In this short video, Hadley sets out the seven issues that every sponsor of a Hong Kong employment visa needs to appreciate and sign up for, providing new recruits with the information they need to educate their employers as to what’s actually required in the process of dealing with the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
Limited Experience?
Congratulations on being offered a job in Hong Kong! Now, you need an employment visa, but your new employer may have no experience with the process.
So, what responsibilities of a Hong Kong employment visa sponsor do you need to communicate to them?
Let’s break them down.
1 – Approvability Test
Firstly, there’s the approvability test. You personally need to possess special skills, knowledge, or experience that is of value and not readily available in Hong Kong. Your employer must be justified in engaging your services.
2 – Market Rate Salary
Secondly, you need to be earning at least a salary of approximately two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, including benefits. But more if the market generally calls for more than this.
3 – ID990B Sponsorship Form
Next, your employer will need to submit your application and sponsorship forms in your favour.
4 – Critical Business Information
Fourthly, your employer may have to provide sensitive information such as financial accounts and details about existing staff and their salaries. It’s crucial for them to exercise patience as the visa application process takes a minimum of four weeks.
5 – Patience
Remember, it is illegal for you to start working, whether paid or unpaid until your visa has been approved.
6 – Inside Or Outside Hong Kong
Sixthly, you can start your application whether you are inside or outside of Hong Kong. However, the Hong Kong Immigration Department will not grant you an extension to your visitor visa simply because you were in Hong Kong when your application was submitted.
7 – Notify ImmD
Finally, seventh, one of the key responsibilities of a Hong Kong employment visa sponsor is to notify the Director of Immigration as soon as your employment comes to an end.
Last Words …
Make sure to communicate these responsibilities of a Hong Kong employment visa sponsor to your new employer to ensure a smooth employment visa application process.
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