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2023 | Quality Migrant Admission Scheme | What ARE Your Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa?

September 5th, 2023

Posted in Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /


What Are The Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa In 2023?

Demystifying the ‘Black Box’ of Hong Kong’s Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

chances of successfully securing a qmas visa


What are the chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa? Hong Kong has always been an attractive destination for skilled professionals.

However, the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) visa, one of the pathways to make this city your home, has been notoriously opaque.

This post aims to shed light on the elusive nature of the QMAS visa process, especially focusing on the “black box” phenomenon that clouds this visa’s approval metrics. We will also discuss the impact of the 2022 Enhancement measures, which temporarily lifted the QMAS visa approval quota.

For an alternative viewpoint on the QMAS, you may find “Why I Hate the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme & You Should Too” an interesting read.

What Exactly is the QMAS Visa?

The QMAS visa is a quota-based entrant scheme initiated by the Hong Kong government to attract highly skilled or talented persons to settle in the city. Unlike employment visas, which require a job offer, the QMAS allows individuals to enter Hong Kong without prior employment. Applicants undergo a stringent points-based test that evaluates various factors such as age, language proficiency, and professional experience.

The ‘Black Box’ Nature of the QMAS Visa

The Enigma of Approval Metrics

The QMAS visa process is often described as a ‘black box’ due to its lack of transparency. While other visa categories have well-defined criteria for approval, the QMAS is less forthcoming, leading to widespread speculation about the “chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa.”

The Talent List: A Guiding Light?

Contrary to popular belief, Hong Kong does have a Talent List that serves as a guide for potential QMAS applicants. This list, as discussed in this article, outlines specific sectors where talent is in high demand, such as fintech, data science, and environmental engineering. While not a guarantee for approval, aligning your skills with the sectors on the Talent List could improve your application’s prospects.

Subjective Elements in the Evaluation Process

The QMAS visa process involves a degree of subjectivity, as the Immigration Department has the discretion to approve or reject applications based on various undisclosed factors. This subjectivity adds another layer of complexity to the already opaque process.

The 2022 Enhancement Measures: A Game-Changer?

Temporary Lifting of Quotas

The 2022 Enhancement Measures temporarily lifted the QMAS visa approval quota, potentially increasing the “chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa.” This unprecedented move opens up more opportunities for applicants, making it a golden period to apply.

Streamlined Application Process

The 2022 Enhancement measures also aim to make the application process more efficient. However, it remains to be seen how these changes will affect the ‘black box’ nature of the QMAS visa.

Expert Tips for Navigating the QMAS ‘Black Box’

1. Consult Immigration Experts: Given the complex nature of the QMAS, it’s advisable to consult immigration experts who can provide personalized guidance.
2. Comprehensive Documentation: The more robust your portfolio, the better your chances. Include all relevant certifications, publications, and letters of recommendation.
3. Stay Abreast of Policy Changes: Immigration policies can change rapidly. Keep an eye on official announcements to adapt your application strategy accordingly.

Last Words …

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa remains a complex and often misunderstood aspect of Hong Kong’s immigration landscape. However, with the temporary lifting of the QMAS visa approval quota and the availability of the Talent List as a guiding resource, the odds may be turning in favour of applicants. While the process may still resemble a ‘black box,’ a strategic approach can significantly improve your chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa in 2023.


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The Hong Kong Visa Geeza (a.k.a Stephen Barnes) is a co-founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre and author of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook. A law graduate of the London School of Economics, Stephen has been practicing Hong Kong immigration since 1993 and is widely acknowledged as the leading authority on business immigration matters here for the last 24 years.

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