How Will Your Employment Visa Application Be Impacted If The Hong Kong Company Employing You Is New?
Posted in Employment Visas, Hadley Says…, Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
Where your proposed employer is a brand new company you can expect the Hong Kong Immigration Department to look very closely at the enterprise to make sure that it is in fact a suitable sponsor for your working visa permissions.
In many ways, the due diligence which the Hong Kong ID undertake is very much like that which they do for an investment visa application.
Essentially, then, they will examine your new employer’s bona fides to ensure that the business is positioned to make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong.
This will involve a requirement for dedicated business premises, the potential for, if not the actuality of, locally hired staff, good capitalization and the expectation of solid commercial activities in play which have led to the need to employ you, a foreign national, in the first place.
In fact, where a new sponsoring company comes forward seeking to employ a foreign national employee, and that business is less than 2 years old, you can expect a searching assessment of that entity for suitability as an employment visa sponsor.
And it is through this mechanism that the Hong Kong ID filter out contrived employment visa applications promoted by foreign nationals who are simply seeking to remain in the HKSAR, whatever the means.
So, not only must the job offer in question be a genuine one, it has to be extended from a credible employer all things considered.
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