Hong Kong Visa Centre Refunds 200% Fee to Client Who’s Application Was Refused by the Hong Kong Immigration Department
Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
The inevitable finally occured…
Today, my professional practice, the Hong Kong Visa Centre, honoured our 200% Fee Refund Guarantee to an investment visa applicant who’s case was refused by ImmD recently.
This is the first time in the three years since we introduced this policy that we have had to honour our commitment and just goes to show that fabled 100% Hong Kong visa application success rates are quite a fickle metric of competence and capability.
This client’s application ultimately turned on the extent of his own personal financial contribution to the business and, whilst ImmD, did advise us that they thought the business plan and prospects were good, they felt that our client didn’t have enough financial skin in the game (“personally accessible resources”) to warrant the notion of an ‘investment’ in the HKSAR.
All fair enough.
Our client has decided to seek an alternate avenue to continue his proposed residency in Hong Kong (using a different immigration pathway) so our client engagement has ended with us both wishing each other the best of luck!
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