Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


May 2019

Why Pay For Professional Help in Your Hong Kong QMAS Application When You Really Can Do It All By Yourself!

Posted in Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

On this Blog, I normally eschew talking about my professional practice, how we provide services and how our fees are structured. Both this website and the Hong Kong Visa Handbook are ‘sell free’ zones. These 2 websites are designed to provide you with professional quality visa and immigration resources so that you can make fully informed […]

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May 2019

Social Media Keeping Hong Kong Immigration Consultants On Their Toes – Scary Stuff!

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

First Published June 17, 2102 Hong Kong Immigration Consultants – this video ‘testimonial’ of our client came as a pleasant surprise but also with a great shock. At the time we were working on Annette’s Hong Kong investment visa application, we had no idea she was keeping a video log of the experience. Whilst we […]

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May 2019

Considerably Heightened Diligence by ImmD on All Types of Hong Kong Visa Applications

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Sherpa, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

First published March 6, 2019 and updated May 8, 2019. UPDATE:  8.5.2019 – ImmD are now routinely 2-3 weeks behind their normal case consideration time frames, even as late as May with the Summer Rush just around the corner to boot.  This is borne out by our own dealings with ImmD day-to-day and also the […]

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May 2019

The Hong Kong Immigration Department Official Video – Almost 10 Minutes of “Why Bother”?

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

The Hong Kong Immigration Department official video was released in June of 2012. As of the date of this post, their video had 35,000 views. This video is a typical government work of art – which begs the question as to why they produced it in the first place? Lots of smiling faces, stirring music […]

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Apr 2019

Do I Need to Work for the Same Employer for 7 Years to Get the Right of Abode in Hong Kong?

Posted in Long Stay & PR, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

First Published July 20, 2012 7 years to get the Right of Abode in Hong Kong without changing employers in that time? To secure permanent residency in the HKSAR, you need to make an application for the Right of Abode. The Right of Abode, once granted, is manifested in the issue to you of a […]

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Apr 2019

Checking the Status of Your Hong Kong Visa Application On-Line…..Yeah Right!

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

If you’ve made an application for a residence visa here, the Hong Kong Immigration Department provide you with a website URL and login credentials so that you can ‘track’ the progress of your case as it travels its way through the visa labyrinth that is the Immigration Tower. So goes the theory anyway. In fact, […]

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Apr 2019

Must Read: True Story of a Deluded Foreign National Trying to Sue His Way to a Hong Kong Employment Visa

Posted in Musing, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

First Published August 27, 2012 Note: I am presently fully engaged on the launch of Hong Kong Visa Sherpa so time’s a bit tight to publish new content on this website for the moment. Consequently I am surfacing some interesting posts from down the years, giving them a lick of paint and showing them the […]

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