Freelance Consulting in Hong Kong – Can You Get a Visa?
Posted in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /
Visas for one-man consulting businesses figure constantly in our enquiries Inbox. This post will attempt to put to bed this question once and for all…
“I am currently working as a consultant for a South African company and I am doing consulting for a large international conglomerate in Hong Kong. My current role involves project management and functional consulting.
Given my expertise and experience, I am interested to change my current position and do freelance consulting in Hong Kong – which will require me to have an investment visa, right?
Do you believe this is possible?
Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback.”
Many thanks for your enquiry.
Yes, you are right. If you intend to start a business for yourself you will require an investment visa.
Every case is unique and has to be taken on its own merits.
One man consulting business DO get approved by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, but it is important that the right conditions be present in the proposed new business situation and also that the story is told in a favourable way to promote an argument which serves to satisfy the investment visa approvability test of being able to show that you will be in a position to make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong.
I am including below some information resources on this topic that you may not have seen. I trust they help to guide you in your thinking in order that you can make an informed decision about your next move.
One-Man Businesses – What’s Required
One-Man Business – Case Studies
One-Man Businesses – Business Review After Approval
Of course, complete information on the investment visa is contained in the Hong Kong Visa Handbook. You can access all of these resources via this PDF and then click on the icons to take you to the extended detail.
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