The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


The Hong Kong Startup Visa: Is It All That It’s Cracked Up To Be? – Downloads Available Here

September 22nd, 2015

Posted in Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Tonight, I gave a talk at o Connect in Sheung Wan which discussed the so-called ‘Hong Kong Startup Visa‘ introduced on May 4, 2015.  The talk was recorded and will be released with extensive coverage on the various government accredited programmes which are recognized by ImmD and which, if accepted, will avail a foreign national […]

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Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 4 – Preparing for Law School

September 21st, 2015

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) continuing with … In Part 4, I talk about how I went about getting into the law school of the London School of Economics as a mature student in 1989. […]

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aJournal Interview – Interesting Questions Answered!

September 20th, 2015

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I was interviewed by a new publication a couple of weeks ago. In this aJournal interview, I answered a wide array of questions and for those of you interested, you can find the session here. More Stuff You May Find Interesting or Useful Sneak Peak – the Power of Free: A Revolutionary Business Model Britcham […]

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The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – September, 2015

September 18th, 2015

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Caught up with captain fantastic Phil Whelan over at Broadcast Drive yesterday and talked about entertainer visas and the recent sixes and sevens down at ImmD Tower! You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil works real hard on his Morning Brew Facebook page which I recommend you check out and Like! More Stuff You Might Find […]


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Your Questions Answered

Employment in Hong Kong as a Professional or an Imported Worker – Which Are You?

September 16th, 2015

Posted in Employment Visas, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

There is often confusion between employment in Hong Kong as a Professional or an Imported Worker – this post seeks to clear this up… QUESTION First of all I want to say that your website is amazing, easy to understand with relevant information. My question might be very simple but I cannot find the answer […]


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Your Questions Answered

QOTW: My Husband Wants to Leave But I Want to Stay – Can I Remain Behind on My Hong Kong Dependant Visa Indefinitely?

September 12th, 2015

Posted in Family Visas, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Your Question Answered /

So what options are available to Hong Kong dependant visa holding foreign nationals when their spouses are leaving Hong Kong and they want to stay? QUESTION  OF  THE  WEEK I am here on a Hong Kong dependent visa with my husband. He is planning to leave his employment in Hong Kong and return to his home […]

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Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 3 – Moving to Hong Kong

September 11th, 2015

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) continuing with … In Part 3, I talk about how I ended up moving to Hong Kong in 1987. My Story in 10 Parts Part 1 – Childhood & Flee-ing […]

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