
The Visa Geeza's Daily Happenings


Jan 2016

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… Recommended Infographics Software

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this final segment I recommend the PiktoChart software for producing infographics – no design skills needed whatsoever! More on Content Marketing in Hong Kong Setting the Scene What is Content […]

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Jan 2016

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… Content Marketing Formula for Success

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this piece, I discuss the content marketing formula for success in the context of our business and in essence across the board as applicable to all kinds of enterprises, especially […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… Mistakes People Make!

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this piece, I discuss the concept of Intelligent Content Marketing! More on Content Marketing in Hong Kong Setting the Scene What is Content Marketing? Making Money Through Content Marketing What […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What’s the Best Type of Content?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this short answer, I explain how video as content medium has worked for us at the Hong Kong Visa Centre and make the point that, when all is said and […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What is Content Amplification & How Does it Work?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this next piece, I explain how we publish our content once on this blog, then syndicate copies of the same content across our complete content platform, thereby amplifying our material […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What’s the Most Popular Type of Content?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this short piece, I set out how the popularity of our content, for effectiveness assessment purposes, is very much a red herring once you are committed down the path of […]

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Dec 2015

Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 10 – The Next Few Years

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

 In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) finishing with … In this last session, part 10, I talk about what Martyn and I have planned for the next few years – including a trick or 2 up […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What Metrics Should You Care About?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. Next up, I explain what really counts in content marketing to know if it’s working or not – show me the money! More on Content Marketing in Hong Kong Setting the […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… How Often Should You Publish?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. In this piece, I discuss the quality vs frequency conundrum when it comes to publishing your content and the hoary old chestnut of putting stuff out there that no one is […]

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Dec 2015

Visa Geeza Speaks… On Content Marketing in Hong Kong… What Are Buyer Personas?

Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visa Geeza TV /

I was recently invited to contribute to a Digimeet event to talk on ‘How to get more sales through content marketing in Hong Kong’. Next up, I discuss the notion of buyer personas and how we identified / understood ours to craft our distinct content propositions for both the individual and corporate immigration services markets […]

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