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Specific Circumstances Visas


Hong Kong Visa Geeza | A Day-In-The-Life Of | Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer

August 30th, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

A Day-In-The-Life Of Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer Stephen Barnes [aka] The Hong Kong Visa Geeza 10 Years Ago … Hong Kong Visa Geeza: a day-in-the-life [and more]. On Tuesday, October 22, 2013, my client, compadre-in-arms and all-round good gal Gail Turner of Gail Turner Photography shadowed me around to take a photo montage of a […]

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The Industry Secret Most Hong Kong Immigration Consultants Don’t Want You to Discover

August 28th, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Visitor Visas /

What Hong Kong Immigration Consultants Like To Keep Quiet About … All cases are ‘hard’, right? Lifting The Lid [Looking around furtively…] Shussh… You are probably paying Hong Kong immigration consultants too much for your Hong Kong visa service. It’s true, and here’s the reason why. Hard vs Easy Your ‘easy’ Hong Kong visa application […]

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How to Stop Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa & Start Applying!

August 10th, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa ? Everyone, at some point during their time in Hong Kong, has had to deal with the hassle of visas down at the Immigration Department in Wanchai. First, you have to get the damn thing, and then you need to extend it. Before long  (maybe) you’ll change employers, possibly […]

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How To Cure Your Hong Kong Visa Extension Headache & Make Sure It Gets Approved The Very First Time!

August 6th, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

The Hong Kong Visa Extension Kit Let’s face it, the regular traipse down to Immigration Tower (even if it’s now metaphorically also a traipse online) to get your visa extended is a right royal pain in the @ss. Hong Kong Visa Extension – Uncertain Process? The process is uncertain, you’re not sure what exactly you […]

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The Impact of Brain Drain on Hong Kong and Resulting Immigration Policy Development

August 4th, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

The Impact of Brain Drain on Hong Kong First Published On May 25, 2012, Updated (A Bit) August 4, 2023 The Impact of Brain Drain on Hong Kong: the term “brain drain” first appeared in 1957 in a novel called Atlas Shrugged and the term refers to the loss of skilled researchers, analysts, the accomplished […]

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Hong Kong Visas Vietnamese Nationals – RTHK Backchat

July 26th, 2023

Posted in Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

 Hong Kong Visas Vietnamese Nationals – a 40 minutes discussion on RTHK Radio 3 Backchat on 25th July 2023 – I Recently Contributed to a RTHK Radio 3 Backchat Discussion on Hong Kong Visas Vietnamese Nationals. Due to legacy issues since the 1970s the present immigration policy as regards Hong Kong visas Vietnamese nationals is somewhat of a […]


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Hong Kong Top Talent Pass – USD320,000 In Annual Salary Income Or World Top 100 University Graduate?

July 3rd, 2023

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Hong Kong Top Talent Pass – if you’re a big earner (USD320,000 in the last 12 months) or one helluva smart cookie (top 100 world university Bachelor degree holder) the Hong Kong Top Talent Pass visa could be for you!    Top Talent Pass Visa Conditions The Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) is a relatively […]

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