Feature Articles

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Dec 2016

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – December, 2016

Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

It had been a few months since I got to see Maestro Phil Whelan over at RTHK Radio 3 yesterday.  As always, we had a good chat, talking mostly about the implications of the recent Audit Commission report on certain aspects of ImmD operations. Click the above to watch our short video of yesterday’s session at RTHK. […]


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Jun 2016


Posted in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Hong Kong Audit Commission Report 66 – If you work in the field of Hong Kong immigration, these last few days can properly be said to amount to an earthquake under the foundations of Immigration Tower. Presentation @ WYND on June 14, 2016 – Download Here Last week, the Hong Kong Audit Commission released their […]

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Apr 2016

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – April, 2016

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

It had been a few weeks since I got to see da mane mann Phil Whelan over at RTHK Radio 3 on Thursday.  As always, we had a good chat, getting to grips with the ramifications of the recent Audit Commission report on certain aspects of ImmD operations. You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil works […]


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Apr 2016

Ladies & Gentlemen – Please Meet Alex Barnes…

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

I am hugely privileged to have a talented young filmaker as a nephew. Last week, Alex Barnes joined the Hong Kong Visa Centre /  Video Cha Cha and will be documenting a whole new array of content for our immigration business as well as at least 2 other projects which set out the ongoing story of […]

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Jan 2016

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – January, 2016

Posted in Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

For the first time this year, I got to see Le Monseigneur Whelan over at RTHK Radio 3 yesterday.  As always, we had a good old natter and covered out of policy decisions of ImmD among other things. You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil works real hard on his Morning Brew Facebook page which I […]


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Oct 2015

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – October, 2015

Posted in Family Visas, Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Had a good old yarn with Mr Fantastic himself Phil Whelan yesterday at RTHK – we mostly covered same sex partners and the inequality of our dependant visa policy (or lack of it) where gay spouses are concerned. You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil works real hard on his Morning Brew Facebook page which I […]


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Sep 2015

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio 3 – September, 2015

Posted in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /

Caught up with captain fantastic Phil Whelan over at Broadcast Drive yesterday and talked about entertainer visas and the recent sixes and sevens down at ImmD Tower! You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil works real hard on his Morning Brew Facebook page which I recommend you check out and Like! More Stuff You Might Find […]


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