Building a Business that Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger Would Love – Interview Tomorrow in Wanchai
Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
“I am a better investor because I’m a businessman and a better businessman because I’m an investor.” (Warren Buffett)
Tomorrow (Saturday, November 7) in Wanchai I will be interviewed by Carlo Gioja, curator of the Value Asia Forum, a group of Berkshire Hathaway shareholders and value investors based in Hong Kong.
Carlo says…
“I first got to know Stephen when I was living in mainland China and was looking for someone to manage my family’s immigration paperwork into Hong Kong. From the start, I was intrigued by his business model, and the elegant way he turned me into a paying customer. I made a mental note to learn from him as much as I could.
Much later, I heard him mention Charlie Munger as one of the big influences in his life. Ben Graham has written of “business-like investing”. In my own modest experience, I don’t think I ever understood what investing even was before I actually sat down and tried to grow a business out of thin air.
I’ve invited Stephen to join us and tell us his story.”
We have a few slots left if you’d like to join us. We are meeting in The Wharney Guangdong Hotel on Lockhart Road in Wanchai, starting at 2:45 pm, running until about 4:30 pm or so.
Dim Sum will be served and I will be answering questions such as:
Is there any weakness of yours that has always seemed to you to be an obstacle on the way to success, and how have you managed to conquer it?
How has failing at projects in other industries helped you eventually succeed in this one?
What do you do now with all of this cash flow (a first-world problem), and how would you go about learning to invest in other things/ industries? (assuming you want to).
There are only 8 slots left so if you’d like to attend you’d better get your skates on!
Kick off is at 2:45 pm sharp. Parking is available in the venue.
If you’d like to come along and meet a pretty amazing bunch of investors and scholars of value investing then please make your reservation here:
As always, it’s completely free!
Hope you can make it.