A Message To Mrs Carrie Lam And All Aggrieved Parties in Hong Kong
Posted in Musing, The Hong Kong Visa Geeza /
A Message To Mrs Carrie Lam And All Aggrieved Parties in Hong Kong
I have twice closed my professional practice Hong Kong Visa Centre to allow my colleagues to participate in lawful and peaceful protest.
On Monday August 5th wanton violence and disruption ensued after lawful demonstrations which made me come to learn that my goodwill and posture of support had been hijacked by radical elements bent on undermining the Rule of Law.
I then went on to Twitter and as you will learn from this short video below, I came to understand that there are no Rational Actors in this dispute and until one party moves to become a Rational Actor, there is no way forward.
Since then of course we have had the diabolical scenes at the Airport. Shocking. Simply unacceptable under any circumstances.
These kids have their legitimate beef of course, but lots of things need to change in Hong Kong.
The sooner the better…