Baby Born In Hong Kong To A Foreign National Temporary Resident | How To Complete the Dependant Visa Process
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Arranging The Visa For A Baby Born In Hong Kong To A Foreign National Temporary Resident
How To Complete the Dependant Visa Process Once You Have Baby’s Passport
When a baby born in Hong Kong to a temporary (i.e. non-permanent) resident gets his passport, you need to consider finalising the immigration (dependant visa) formalities associated with the birth in the HKSAR.
For a baby born in Hong Kong, This is a straightforward process not otherwise detailed in the dependant visa section of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook – so here you go:
Firstly, ensure you register the baby’s birth in Hong Kong within 42 days. This short video teaches you how:
Documents Required
1– Copy of the baby’s Hong Kong birth certificate
2– Copy of the baby’s passport
3– Copy of parents’ Marriage Certificate
4– Copy of father’s passport bio details and current visa label pages/QR code approval letters
5– Copy of mother’s passport bio details and current visa label pages/QR code approval letters
6– Copy of HKID card for both parents
7– Original ID235B (baby’s Permit to Remain – issued by ImmD at the time you registered the birth and secured the birth certificate) along with a copy
8– Completed Transfer of Endorsement form
This takes place on the 5th floor of Immigration Tower in Wanchai. There is a walk-in quota each day which tends to fill up early. Better to make an advance appointment using the telephone booking service. Call 2824 6111 to learn how to do this.
Time to Complete
1-2 hours
Bring something to read. Earphones and music are not recommended as you must listen out for your number to be called. If you miss it, it’s a world of waiting pain …
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