What does part-time study activity mean?

Part-time study activity refers to engaging in educational courses or programs on a part-time basis while in Hong Kong, alongside other approved visa permission such as employment and entrepreneur.


Work Full Time With Only a One Year Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa?

Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa| One Year Only | Work Full Time?

Is It Possible To Get An Employment Visa To Work For Yourself?

Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsorship – What’s Involved?

General Employment Policy vs Admission Scheme For Mainland Talents & Professionals (GEP vs ASMTP)

Can You Hold a Hong Kong Employment Visa Yet Be Unemployed, Travel & (Even) Work Abroad for An Extended Period of Time Yet Still Qualify for the Right of Abode Here After 7 Years?

Will I Still Qualify for the Right of Abode if I Worked Temporarily in Macau Yet Lived in Hong Kong for the Full 7 Years?

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