What does local recruitment exercise mean?

Local recruitment exercise refers to the requirement that employers must demonstrate they have made genuine efforts to hire local workers before they can sponsor a foreign national for an employment visa. This process is in place to ensure that Hong Kong residents have priority access to job opportunities, and that employers are not bypassing the local workforce in favor of foreign workers. The local recruitment exercise typically involves advertising the job vacancy in local newspapers, job boards, or other relevant channels for a specific period, and considering applications from local candidates. Employers must be able to show that no suitable local candidate was found for the position, despite their efforts, in order to justify the need for hiring a foreign worker. This requirement is an important part of the General Employment Policy in Hong Kong and aims to strike a balance between attracting foreign talent and protecting the interests of the local workforce.


Do you need to advertise the position locally before offering the job to a foreigner in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong Labour Market Testing & Salaries For Work Visa Approval

Application For Employing Professionals In Hong Kong | Declaration As To Local Recruitment Efforts

How Do You Prove to the HKID That You Have Tried to Recruit Locally?

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